Broadcasting to YouTube, Twitch or any other RTMP ingestion service
Do you want to stream your OpenVidu Sessions to thousands of users? You can now easily broadcast them to YouTube Live, Twitch or any other live ingestion service that supports RTMP protocol. This feature is seamlessly integrated in OpenVidu REST API, openvidu-java-client SDK and openvidu-node-client SDK. And you can fully customize the broadcasting layout with HTML/JS/CSS.
Check out the official documentation here.
The broadcasting feature is included in the OpenVidu Components library (so currently available in openvidu-angular) and in the OpenVidu Call application
openvidu-java-client SDK allows advanced configuration of its internal HTTP client
openvidu-java-client SDK offers now more flexibility when configuring its internal HTTP client. Now you may provide a custom HTTP client builder in the constructor of OpenVidu object. This may be interesting for many reasons, including adding custom HTTP headers, adding proxy configuration, modifying the default connection timeouts, setting up a cookie store, and other things. Check out the new constructors in JavaDoc).
openvidu-node-client SDK production mode to hide info logging level
openvidu-node-client SDK has a new method for production environments to silent logs of level DEBUG and INFO. Only WARNING and ERROR logs will be written to the output. Check out this new method in TypeDoc.
openvidu-ios now uses the latest WebRTC library
openvidu-ios sample application is now using the latest WebRTC version available for iOS. Previous version was from 2020, current version is the latest one available (Jan 2023). This brings all the improvements of the WebRTC standard updates to iOS.
- Speech To Text: when using AWS as STT engine, two equal SpeechToTextEvent could be triggered with reason
in a row. This behavior is not contemplated and is now fixed. - OpenVidu Pro/Enterprise deployments: new configuration property
allows launching OpenVidu Pro/Enterprise without an Elasticsearch. Before it was supposed to be possible to launch an OpenVidu Pro/Enterprise without an Elasticsearch by setting configuration propertyOPENVIDU_PRO_ELASTICSEARCH_HOST
to an empty string, but this resulted in failed deployments. Now this is fixed with the new property. Of course, take into account that launching your OpenVidu Pro/Enterprise deployment without Elasticsearch will result in a complete absence of observability and history data.