Speech to Text support for AWS and Vosk
The Speech to Text service introduced in release 2.24.0 has been extended with support for more engines. Now you can use:
- Azure: available since OpenVidu 2.24.0, it uses Speech to Text service from Azure stack.
- AWS: using Amazon Transcribe service from AWS stack.
- Vosk: using Vosk engine, the open source alternative with no extra cost from cloud providers.
Check out Speech to Text documentation to learn more about all of these alternatives.
Native support for private Docker registries
New configuration property OPENVIDU_PRO_DOCKER_REGISTRIES
allows you to configure private Docker registries to be used in your Media Nodes. Your custom images of OpenVidu services can now be private but easily accessible by your nodes at the same time. The actual services that can take advantage of this feature are kurento-media-server
(configured with property KMS_IMAGE
) and speech-to-text-service
(configured with property OPENVIDU_PRO_SPEECH_TO_TEXT_IMAGE
OpenVidu Components new Speech to Text features
- Speech to Text capabilities of OpenVidu Components now includes automatice reconnection to the service in case of failure. See Reconnecting to Speech to Text module in the case of a crash.
- A new directive
has been addded, which allows overriding the default Speech to Text language options. This allows you configuring your own custom languages in the case you are using Vosk as Speech to Text engine.
- OpenVidu Components : Fixed typo with
directive that prevented it from working as expected.